
Dear Sisters,
"She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms." Proverbs 31:17
I may be kind of unusual, but I don't like to exercise just for the sake of exercising. I like to do something that ends up with some sort of household accomplishment following it. And if I am doing something towards this purpose that ends up being a form of exercise, then that is great! For I love the feeling of accomplishment that goes along with a rapid heart beat after working out. How can I do this in my home? Honest Hardworking Housework.
It is so funny. I was reading recently in a health magazine that doctors are now prescribing housework to elderly women as a form of exercise. Immediately I thought of the Proverbs 31 passage. It has been my opinion that if a woman practiced all that these verses teach, she would be in top physical form. And she would sleep much better at the end of the day as well.
My early morning housework is just that. It is my form of exercise. After my heart has been pumping while I work, I sure feel a sense of accomplishment when I look back and see all the work that I've done while my children were sleeping. My goal is to get as much done as possible while they are in bed. This makes things even more interesting and really gets my heart pumping! For I need to work rapidly to get as much done as possible in a short amount of time. My early morning work out begins the moment my husband leaves for work. Each day I try to "beat the time" that I made the day before. A quick stretch as I put on my exercise clothes, and it's housework calisthenics time!
I like to work out to beautiful praise music. I find it such a pleasure to work for the LORD, He notices every detail. The praise music reminds me of Who I am serving and what I just learned that morning in His Word.. As I work I sing in my heart to Him.
Today I swept the patios and all the floors. In between the sweeping I put on a crock pot of beans. Then I got down on my knees and started washing the floors. (It is so much easier to wash a floor when all your children are sleeping, isn't it?) After that I started my dough in the bread machine for a dozen and a half of tortillas. My heart was starting to pump a bit now. I made the bed and got the dirty clothes washing. I did up some dishes and vacuumed the kitchen. While the clothes were washing I cleaned the bathroom and then tidied the living room. ( I find that it is much easier to quickly clean a bathroom every day. It is also much easier to do two or three loads of clothes early each day.) After that I started some spaghetti sauce in the crock pot. Checked on the kids. Yes, they were still sound asleep. So I baked two dozen cookies and packed our lunch for a picnic later.
It is my desire to attack an area that has been overlooked for some time in my early morning work out. I find that when my heart is pumping the timing is perfect to get that extra something done. So today I restacked all our suitcases in a new spot in the hall closet. I knew this would make my husband happy as he had mentioned he'd like them relocated and reorganized. It made 
me feel good knowing this little task was now pleasantly behind me. Sometimes I will clean the top of the fridge or pull a cupboard apart. Anything that has been bothering me and that has been overlooked for some time. (Usually I find that it takes longer to think about these jobs than to actually do them.) I feel so encouraged to include them in my early morning work out. Kind of like the runner that tries to jump that extra hurdle he's been thinking about. Today the luggage hurdle has been successfully jumped!
Once my clothes are finished washing I head out to the clothes line. I bring the dry clothes in and fold them. The next time I go out to the line to hang the second load of clothes is the perfect time to do something in the garden. I am now nicely warmed up by my house cleaning. So I water, weed a little, and plant a little. It is nice to be outside in the early morning quiet. The more I do in the garden, the more my heart pumps, which just energizes me to do a bit more, until finally my children are calling me in for breakfast. Time to slowly walk back to the house and let my heartbeat become regular again.
Just as one has to work up to running or swimming for exercise, so I have had to work up to my early morning housework workout. Little by little as I have regularly practiced it I find myself getting stronger and able to do a bit more. It feels so good to come back into the house and see my kids getting up with lots of work already behind me; and my heart now pleasantly beating at a steady rhythm. I am ready to hit the shower.
It is Wednesday. I have had three workouts so far this week. Each day's workout has been built on the last day's workout. I see progress! I love you, LORD; You are indeed my strength.


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