Laines Follow Up Letter On Bankruptcy
Dear Sisters,
"Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you." Proverbs 22:26-27
I have received a few letters since I wrote on bankruptcy. I knew that I would and truly would have liked to avoid the subject. But I felt led to write it, so I did. I received some letters where women felt that God led them and their husbands to declare bankruptcy.
I understand their frustration at my letter. But no one based any of their claims on The Word. I read their painful situations. I have prayed for them in their pain. But I did not read in their letters how His Word defends bankruptcy; or that He can do anything--even pay back an enormous debt. I read defense of bankruptcy. A defense that does not wish to prayerfully consider paying back what was borrowed. A defense that could lead others to think it is okay and that they can do likewise. A defense that is sweeping through our country and churches while causing great grief to our nation. Someone is paying for these debts. It is our society as a whole. I do not think the word bankruptcy means that you have to remain as such permanently. I do think a man who is willing to pay back a bankruptcy will have a greater testimony for Him than one who just declares it and considers the debt removed.
I can tell you who is doing just that. My houseguest. He has been with us since March. He has six children and is apart from them during the week days while he works three jobs with Sunday off. On Saturday his son works with him doing odd jobs near his home. He is working very hard to pay off his bankruptcy and get out of debt. He says that his faith has grown so much during this difficult time, as well as his wife's faith. He knows it is by the LORD's strength that he is slowly paying back his debts. His wife told me on the phone yesterday that two bills will be paid this month, and God-willing, two more next month. We rejoiced together Discipline and obedience are not easy, but, oh, they are so very profitable.
"Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you." Proverbs 22:26-27
I have received a few letters since I wrote on bankruptcy. I knew that I would and truly would have liked to avoid the subject. But I felt led to write it, so I did. I received some letters where women felt that God led them and their husbands to declare bankruptcy.
I understand their frustration at my letter. But no one based any of their claims on The Word. I read their painful situations. I have prayed for them in their pain. But I did not read in their letters how His Word defends bankruptcy; or that He can do anything--even pay back an enormous debt. I read defense of bankruptcy. A defense that does not wish to prayerfully consider paying back what was borrowed. A defense that could lead others to think it is okay and that they can do likewise. A defense that is sweeping through our country and churches while causing great grief to our nation. Someone is paying for these debts. It is our society as a whole. I do not think the word bankruptcy means that you have to remain as such permanently. I do think a man who is willing to pay back a bankruptcy will have a greater testimony for Him than one who just declares it and considers the debt removed.
I can tell you who is doing just that. My houseguest. He has been with us since March. He has six children and is apart from them during the week days while he works three jobs with Sunday off. On Saturday his son works with him doing odd jobs near his home. He is working very hard to pay off his bankruptcy and get out of debt. He says that his faith has grown so much during this difficult time, as well as his wife's faith. He knows it is by the LORD's strength that he is slowly paying back his debts. His wife told me on the phone yesterday that two bills will be paid this month, and God-willing, two more next month. We rejoiced together Discipline and obedience are not easy, but, oh, they are so very profitable.
Remember, always, always go to the Word of God. Many will tell you that God told me to do this
or to do that, but does it coincide with His Word? His Word is our foundation. Situations will
constantly change. His Word will never change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The Word is our eternal foundation. And the Word says, "Leave no debt outstanding." It does
not read, "leave no debt outstanding except for those declared bankrupt."
I speak to you as I would my children whom I love. Love speaks the truth. It is not always easy to hear.
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." Proverbs 27:6
It is painful for me as your friend to speak to you this Truth. I know full well that many Christians are deep in debt and have declared bankruptcy or are thinking about it. I remember when my husband and I tried years ago to speak to our houseguest about his financial situation. We saw danger ahead. But he wasn't in a position to listen. There is one thing I can surely tell you, we are in debt because we have borrowed. And borrowed. And borrowed.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7
"A man lacking in judgment strikes hands in a pledge and puts up security for his neighbor." Proverbs 17:18
A pledge. What is that? It is when you promise to pay something that you borrow from someone else. We live in a society that strikes many pledges and then declares later that God has okayed their nonpayment. We live in a society that has made what is wrong look right. We must be in The Word to understand that this is just not so. We must be praying for wisdom and restraint in our finances. We must know what He says about money and the wise use of it. And His Word reveals that "Love pays its debts."
"Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue." Romans 13:7
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:7
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." Romans 13:9b-10
When we declare bankruptcy and do not consider paying it back, we do to others what we would not want done to ourselves. We do harm to our neighbor. We affect society in a way that we would not want done to our family. When we declare bankruptcy on institutions and corporations, we again see someone else paying our debt. He may be faceless and able to absorb the loss to us, but he is not to our government. These nonpayments are resulting in higher taxes, higher insurance rates, and trouble ahead. It doesn't matter if everyone is doing it and it is now accepted in our society and churches. It is having a major affect in America as more and more people declare bankruptcy each year than ever before in our history.
I speak to you as I would my children whom I love. Love speaks the truth. It is not always easy to hear.
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." Proverbs 27:6
It is painful for me as your friend to speak to you this Truth. I know full well that many Christians are deep in debt and have declared bankruptcy or are thinking about it. I remember when my husband and I tried years ago to speak to our houseguest about his financial situation. We saw danger ahead. But he wasn't in a position to listen. There is one thing I can surely tell you, we are in debt because we have borrowed. And borrowed. And borrowed.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7
"A man lacking in judgment strikes hands in a pledge and puts up security for his neighbor." Proverbs 17:18
A pledge. What is that? It is when you promise to pay something that you borrow from someone else. We live in a society that strikes many pledges and then declares later that God has okayed their nonpayment. We live in a society that has made what is wrong look right. We must be in The Word to understand that this is just not so. We must be praying for wisdom and restraint in our finances. We must know what He says about money and the wise use of it. And His Word reveals that "Love pays its debts."
"Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue." Romans 13:7
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:7
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." Romans 13:9b-10
When we declare bankruptcy and do not consider paying it back, we do to others what we would not want done to ourselves. We do harm to our neighbor. We affect society in a way that we would not want done to our family. When we declare bankruptcy on institutions and corporations, we again see someone else paying our debt. He may be faceless and able to absorb the loss to us, but he is not to our government. These nonpayments are resulting in higher taxes, higher insurance rates, and trouble ahead. It doesn't matter if everyone is doing it and it is now accepted in our society and churches. It is having a major affect in America as more and more people declare bankruptcy each year than ever before in our history.
Our country is in deep trouble. Please understand that. Just as you watch a family that has
over-borrowed and keeps on a path of financial destruction to bankruptcy, so is our nation. And
just as that family will still struggle after the bankruptcy is declared, so will our nation. The
declaration of bankruptcy does not fix the heart of the problem.
The United States is over-borrowed and ready to declare bankruptcy because her heart is not right. I pray so often for His mercy. I pray that Christians might be in a position to help, rather than hinder. I pray that Christians might be a head, rather than a tail. I pray that Christians might pay off their debts. May we turn to His Word and hold it close to our hearts with obedient fear:
"Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?"
"Yes, He does," he replied.
When Peter came back to the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?" He asked. "From whom do the kind of the earth collect duty and taxes--from their own sons or from others?"
"From others," Peter answered.
"Then the sons are exempt," Jesus said to him, (now here comes the point I want to emphasize) "But that we may not offend them..."
"But that we may not offend them..." When you do not pay what you owe, you offend. Jesus and Peter owed the temple tax here. It was not to a person, but to an institution. Offense would be taken if it was owed and not paid. It is very hard to get someone to listen to you talk about Jesus when you owe him or her money. Or their brother, or their sister, or their mother, or their friend, or their acquaintance, or their business. Even if it is declared bankrupt in your mind, it is not in theirs. You have offended.
Jesus owed no man. Your God can get money out of a fish, as in the above story! You can trust Him with paying back your debt. He knows the amount of hairs you have on your head. He knows when you get up and when you sit down. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows why the sun stays right where He put it. He knows every star by name. He knows how to keep the waves right in their place. He knows exactly what your child looks like in your womb. You and I have a Great, Great God. He is fully capable of paying back any debt. Any debt! For your good name reflects His Name because you are His Child. "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
The United States is over-borrowed and ready to declare bankruptcy because her heart is not right. I pray so often for His mercy. I pray that Christians might be in a position to help, rather than hinder. I pray that Christians might be a head, rather than a tail. I pray that Christians might pay off their debts. May we turn to His Word and hold it close to our hearts with obedient fear:
"Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?"
"Yes, He does," he replied.
When Peter came back to the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?" He asked. "From whom do the kind of the earth collect duty and taxes--from their own sons or from others?"
"From others," Peter answered.
"Then the sons are exempt," Jesus said to him, (now here comes the point I want to emphasize) "But that we may not offend them..."
"But that we may not offend them..." When you do not pay what you owe, you offend. Jesus and Peter owed the temple tax here. It was not to a person, but to an institution. Offense would be taken if it was owed and not paid. It is very hard to get someone to listen to you talk about Jesus when you owe him or her money. Or their brother, or their sister, or their mother, or their friend, or their acquaintance, or their business. Even if it is declared bankrupt in your mind, it is not in theirs. You have offended.
Jesus owed no man. Your God can get money out of a fish, as in the above story! You can trust Him with paying back your debt. He knows the amount of hairs you have on your head. He knows when you get up and when you sit down. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows why the sun stays right where He put it. He knows every star by name. He knows how to keep the waves right in their place. He knows exactly what your child looks like in your womb. You and I have a Great, Great God. He is fully capable of paying back any debt. Any debt! For your good name reflects His Name because you are His Child. "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
We must understand His Will and pray that He do it through us. No, we can't do it. But He can.
That is why He deserves all the glory for it. That is why we shed tears when we hear or read
testimonies of His Faithfulness when His Children have asked for the unbelievable and got it. In
His Will. For His glory.
"Is anything too hard for the LORD?" Genesis 18:14a
I pray for you all. I have come to know you and love you. I have prayed for years that His Children might get out of debt. Truly I do my best to share with you The Truth. The Truth helps us to be prudent wives. "And a prudent wife is from the LORD." When a man has a prudent wife, he has a gold crown on his head. May God help us to be golden crowns shining for His Glory. Much love,
"I love you, LORD, my strength." Psalms 18:1
"Is anything too hard for the LORD?" Genesis 18:14a
I pray for you all. I have come to know you and love you. I have prayed for years that His Children might get out of debt. Truly I do my best to share with you The Truth. The Truth helps us to be prudent wives. "And a prudent wife is from the LORD." When a man has a prudent wife, he has a gold crown on his head. May God help us to be golden crowns shining for His Glory. Much love,
"I love you, LORD, my strength." Psalms 18:1
The thing about the word bankruptcy is that because major corporations have abused the system, this word seems like a negative when it refers to the small homeowner struggling to make their way. I had to file bankruptcy after a divorce or me and the kids would have been living on the street. I am grateful the courts agreed to mine.
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