The Word

Dear Sisters,
I hope you are having a wonderful week. Normally I would send out a question letter at this time. But I feel the need to share this letter with you instead. I have been so busy in my home. The best kind of busy. Pouring my life into the lives of the ones God has given me to love. It is a rich life that God has given to me. I can't thank Him enough. He is my delight and my total joy. Over and over I thank Him for all the details of my life. Oh, the world might look at my life as drudgery, but I see it through the eyes of my King, and I'm walking on water with Him! Even dancing and sloshing about a bit. ~Smile~
Jesus has changed everything in my life. I mean everything. There isn't anything He hasn't touched. I've given Him total permission. I thank Him for all that He's done, and I look so forward to all that He's going to do. I am His eternal slave. I don't trust myself with any one thing, so I've given up every single thing to Him. I've never felt so free. I can't stop asking Him that I might be a sweet aroma rising up to His Throne of Grace as I kiss His Feet with my life. Sometimes I feel as though my heart will burst at His grace poured out on me. I am overwhelmed and blessed beyond measure by His love. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have my days, as I've written to you before. But I run to my Master more quickly and find such refreshment and renewal in Him. What He does in my heart and in my life is truly beyond description.
You know what? I never used to think like this. I found my life a drudgery. I was a Christian but my thoughts centered around my personal storms and struggles in endless service rather than around His Holy Name. So what changed? What set my heart on fire?
His blessed, blessed Living Word.
I cannot get over that I, a Gentile woman, can sit in my kitchen every morning and soak up the whole counsel of God. I just cannot get over it! How I thank Him for leading me to this holy place. More happens in the still of the morning as I sit at His Feet than occurs the whole day. I've been sitting steadily at His Feet every morning for over eight years, and I can tell you that it only gets better and better. As the Word says, "Diligence is man's precious possession." It truly is. He says to keep seeking, to keep knocking, and the door will be open to you. I am here to testify that His Word is absolutely true. The door is wide open. I love listening to Him speak. How could I have missed out on it all those prior years? Truly one day in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I can't miss a single day now. And I cannot read His Word without kissing it over and over and over. May He know it in Heaven.
The Living Word has affected everything in my life. He has affected my faith. He has affected my marriage. He has affected my motherhood. He has affected my relationship with my parents and my inlaws. He has affected the keeping of my home. He has affected my cooking. He has affected my homeschooling. He has affected my friendships. He has affected my appearance. He has affected my countenance. He has affected my finances. He has affected my use of time. He has affected my creativity. He has affected my gifts and talents. He has affected my health. He has affected everything! I cannot believe how much He can touch through one life affected by Him and for Him. It is beyond description. Praise to the One I adore. May I be His adornment on this earth.
I have never been busier in my life. My days are so full. I enjoy it all so much, especially when I recall the former days when I spent little or no time with Him and struggled through my days spinning around in endless, frustrating circles. This verse would be an apt description of me:
"But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to Him and said, 'LORD, dost Thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me." Luke 10:40
Oh, yes. Thinking I was actually serving alone, when He was there with me all the time. Thinking that He didn't care, when He was really drawing me to hear His Word. Feeling sorry for myself. Complaining. Oh, I think I was worse than Martha though. Worrying. Fearing. Even whining at times. Why did I have to do all this work alone? Can't they see the pressure I'm under? I never get any thanks. Eyes that couldn't see. Ears that wouldn't hear. Upset with others around me. Especially those hanging on His every Word. They really irritated me.
I was just like the disciples caught in a storm who didn't even realize that the King of Heaven was right in the boat with them. They, too, did not think the LORD cared:
"And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And Jesus was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow, and they awoke Him, and say unto Him, 'Master, carest Thou not that we perish?' " Mark 4:37-38
"Master, carest Thou not?" they fairly shouted.
"LORD, dost Thou not care?" Martha pleaded.
"And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, 'Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." Mark 5:39
He always cares. He is pure peace. But if we can't see His care when things are peaceful, then we're more apt to cry out that He doesn't care when things are stormy around us.
"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
Both Martha and the disciples had heard the Word of God. He had sat among them and diligently taught them. So, why, why did they think the LORD didn't care, as so many of His children in this generation? Why did they cry out to Him in distress and disapproval, like the Israelites in the desert so long ago, rather than in faith?
This is why:
"And that which fell among the thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares...and bring no fruit to perfection." Luke 8:14
"Choked with cares."
The Word has been given. But it's not clung to with a dying devotion in the heart. Rather outside disturbances choke it out. Storms. Struggles. Service. Oh, much, much service resulting in much, much stress.
There's fruit there, don't get me wrong. But it's not brought to perfection. It can't be peacefully shared. It can't be eaten by others for their strength. There's too much stress on the fragile plant to bring the fruit to perfection. It's really not the life of faith He had planned for His child.
This is the worse, isn't it? I've been there, so I know. So does Martha.
"And Jesus answered and said unto her, 'Martha, Martha, Thou art careful and troubled about many things." Luke 10:41
I love to hear Him say, "Martha, Martha..." The LORD loves those whose name is repeated twice over. Remember, "Peter, Peter, the cock will crow..." and "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I've longed to gather you..." He loves Martha beyond measure, that's why He's lovingly cautioning her to change. It's not necessary for her to be careful and troubled about many things. For there was something that was choking the fruit of His Word out of her life. So many of us can relate. It is those cares, cares, cares of this world. The world squeezing out The Word because we're feeding more on the world rather than The Word. Therefore the endless, pressing thoughts cloud our mind over and over and over until all we see are the cares rather than The Christ. Even in just one day. Even in just one hour:
"Do I have enough food for this crowd?"
"I am the Bread of Life."
"What should I serve them to drink?"
"He who comes to me will never thirst."
"Just look at Mary sitting there. Can't she see me working?"
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God."
Mary couldn't stop looking at Jesus. She hung on His every Word. The room was a blur, all she could see was Him. All she could hear was Him.
"I could sit here for days soaking up everything that comes from His Mouth. I've never known such a yearning." Mary thought. " I've never felt such a filling. I want to do anything and everything for Him. He sets my heart on fire. Oh, Martha, please stop glaring at me. Please don't interrupt Him."
'LORD, dost Thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me."
Mary's breath caught in her throat. She started to get up, embarrassed now at her sister's bold insistence. She looked down shamefacedly before her LORD.
His Hand gently motioned for her to sit back down at His Feet as He turned to Martha.
"One thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:42
"One thing is needful."
It's not the cares of the pressing world around us.
"Choose the good part."
It's sitting at His Feet soaking up His Word.
"It will not be taken away from you."
No matter who thinks it is unnecessary and immobile, you will spend time with Me.
You don't think it necessary? Then consider Paul and Barnabas after being beaten and thrown in a jail. They praised His Name in song when, by all rights, they should have been loudly whining. They shouldn't have received this treatment. After all, Paul got a vision to go to Macedonia to help a man there. It was a time of peace. One shouldn't be treated like this after a vision from God, should one? But Paul had heard the Word. It was fruitful in his life, no matter what his outside condition. So he sang songs of praise while in great pain. It resulted in a jailer and his family giving their lives to Jesus. Fruitful. So fruitful.
How about a storm, you say? Well, I can remember a terrific storm on a ship that had everyone on board scared out of their minds. Everyone that is except Paul. He was at rest, just like His LORD had been so many years ago. The Word had been given to him. He rested in God's plan for his life. And he was of great encouragement to those on board and to those on land when the storm was finally over. No wonder he called himself a bondslave of God. So fruitful. So very fruitful.
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
Sit, oh, sit at His Feet and soak up His Word. Talk to Him about everything. This is life! We mustn't let the cares of this world choke the fruit that He so desires to bring from our life. We mustn't tell Him what to do and how to do it. We mustn't think He doesn't care. Instead we must beg Him to let His Holy Spirit have His perfecting work in us as we say,
"Behold the handmaid of the LORD. Be it done to me as you will."
As our former pastor once said, "Stay low before the LORD." It's the only place to really live.
There is nothing like a life lived out fully to the LORD. It brings such glory to The Father. And when we know the love of Jesus, we want more than anything to bring glory to The Father. Oh, don't worry, we will serve. Believe me, we will serve. But we need to sit at His Feet first. There comes the joy and the strength. We need it more than we know. It is there that we will truly give up our lives. For it is there that we will find True Life.
I know.
These past eight years have been the best of my Christian life. I've spent more intimate time with Jesus than anyone else on this earth. I've lost countless hours of sleep. I've showed up sick. I've showed up in pain. I've showed up in different locations. I've showed up with a candle or a flashlight. I've showed up in the cold. I've showed up in the heat. But I've showed up. I don't trust myself for a minute. So I cling, cling, cling to Him each and every day. He has blessed me in His Word more than I could ever write to you. The more I know of Him, the more I hunger for Him. I definitely know what the verse means about the deer panting for the water, so my soul pants for you. My soul truly pants for Him like no other.
May you make it your holy habit to get alone with Jesus each day. It is the needed part. For man does not live by bread alone. But do you really want to live? Then live by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God.
It will set your heart on fire.
And a heart set on fire affects many more hearts to the glory of His Name.
May we light up our homes in His great love.
And may that light burn to the ends of the earth.


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