Overcoming Fear

As women we are prone naturally to fear. That is why the end of verse six in 1 Peter 3 ( in speaking of Sarah) says "...whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror." As women of God we are told more than once in the Word of God that we are to do good. And in so doing, we are not to fear. Fear is a tool in satan's hand to get a woman to stop doing good. Fear freezes. Faith frees.
Faith is the tool God uses to help a woman continue to do more and more good. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him." With faith, not only do we please Him, but we are much more fruitful for Him. Because we recognize Whom we serve and are not afraid. "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
And as His Servants, He will see that we receive all we need, to do all that He has called us to do. "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." And "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Even though our role might seem insignificant to us, it is not to Him. Billy Graham said his grandmother reading her Bible to him had a profound affect on his life. Thank goodness she did not see that as an insignificant thing and keep it to herself. We don't know what that woman was praying as she read to that little boy. But I'll bet he was covered by her prayers!
A woman's imagination can run wild in a matter of minutes. I know I can work myself up into a sweat at the thought of something happening to my kids if they are away for the day. I have learned to pray through every worry until it is not a worry anymore. It safely sits at the foot of my LORD. Then if something does indeed happen to them, I will know it is His Will as I have prayed for them. So peaceful. "He will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him because you trust in Him." And "All things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to His Purposes." And "Pray without ceasing." The LORD Jesus says we are not to worry about anything. So I turn every worry into a prayer to obey His command.
The future is another concern for us as women, and we can easily get sidetracked into worrying about it. That is why the LORD tells us we are to only keep ourselves focused on the day we are in. We could die the next year and have worried about our old age for nothing! Or the LORD could come back, and again, all the precious time wasted in our brains worrying, when we could have been praying, praising, or thanking Him. Face your future with faith and you'll live daily in His Delight. To keep my mind focused on Him as much as possible I keep beautiful Christian music playing often during the day. I read in the Old Testament where David had hired musicians to constantly be filling the temple of God with sweet music of praise. I thought to myself how important that is for my temple as He dwells there. So I "hired" musicians and they sing so beautifully for me all day! Even when I drive in my van, I keep beautiful praise music flowing. My hands may be on the steering wheel, but inside they are thrown up to Him! Fear cannot live in a temple alive with faith.
Much love,


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