Finding Joy In Your Present Work
Dear Sisters, So often I read of ways to get out of the kitchen faster, or clean quicker, or wash more speedily. Always with an emphasis of doing something in the home faster and smarter. While I like doing things more efficiently just as much as the next woman, something inside me bristles at the thought of doing it with such speed that I might be out of my home and on to something else that is obviously more worth while. I truly don't believe that anything is more worthwhile than doing just what I am doing. And what is that? Well, building up my home. Or more commonly called: homemaking. The blessed calling of making a home a special place on earth for one's family. A place that no one else can duplicate. It will draw children and grandchildren back to it time and time again. What is the heart of this special home? I truly believe it is the kitchen. Now I know a lot of you did not grow up in a home where you learned to cook. Neither did I. I have been teaching myself to coo...